BerlinaSportivo has been around as a website and forum since 2006, before that some of the information on the site was hosted on other websites and fledgling forums.
Over the years the website has been improved, more and more information has been added including magazine articles, technical manuals and video. The Forum has been refined updated to the point where we now have a stable, spam free technical resource filled with real world information and technical advice, contributed by members from all over the world. If you have a problem or issue with your Alfa Romeo 155 Q4, and can't seem to find the solution to it, post on the forum and someone somewhere should be able to help you with it.
The Magazine Article section is probably the most
active and useful area of the website, it currently contains magazine
articles from all over the world on Alfa Romeo road and race cars. We
are probably the worlds largest resource of Alfa Romeo 155 Q4 magazine
articles, we have scans in English, French, German and Spanish. There
are also articles on the infamous Alfa Romeo 155 race cars and specialsm
including the DTM 155 v6 ti, and the ITC and GTA cars.
We also have magazine articles on other Italian saloon cars, and other
Alfa Romeo saloons including the full range of Alfa 75s the Turbo and
V6, in both road and race configuration.
Some of our rarer articles cover the Alfa Romeo 164 Q4 and lesser known
Alfa Romeo road cars.
Although we specialise in Alfa Romeo, we do also have articles on Lancias, including the legendary Delta Integrale, the Dedra as well as some race history and information on a couple of the quirkier Lancia concepts.
We also host comparison scans where these Italian cars are pitted against the opposition of the time, the Ford Sierra Cosworth, Audi Quattro and others.
Delve into the Workshop Manual section of the site
and you will find scans of original Alfa Romeo and Lancia workshop manuals.
These are invaluable in keeping your car on the road. We have pretty much
the complete set of Alfa Romeo 155 workshop manuals, including the full
Alfa Romeo 155 Q4 supplement. These go into full detail, and are an absolute
must when working on these complicated cars.
The Alfa Romeo 33 and 75 are also well catered for with comprehensive
sections of the workshop manuals hosted.
We also host CD images of the Alfa Romeo 145/146 , 156 and 164 workshop
The Lancia Delta, just like the Alfa Romeo 155 and Q4 is well catered
for, we have pretty much the complete set of workshop manuals for the
car, from the Lancia Delta 1.6 HF right through to the Lancia Delta Integrale
The Video section hosts a small number of hard to find videos, including a very rare visit to the Alfa Corse factory back in the early 1990s. Please take the time to have a look in here as there are some real gems.